One Piece Chapter 1001 Summary Spoilers: Unconfirmed Leaks reveals Zoro vs Kaido Fight

One Piece Chapter 1001 spoilers are finally out and there is also a full text summary of the manga events. But as of now, nothing has been confirmed about the leaks and we will leave it on the readers and their faith to believe things or not. For those who are reading ahead, the post contains potential One Piece Chapter 1001 spoilers which are unconfirmed at this point.

One Piece Chapter 1001 Summary Spoilers (Unconfirmed)

One Piece Chapter 1001 Summary Spoilers (Unconfirmed)

One Piece Chapter 1001 Full Summary Spoilers (Unconfirmed)

One Piece Chapter 1001 Title: The Beginning

The fire festival spots Onigashima in the distance. Momo and Yamato see the land of wano. Chopper is swaying the enemy on the ground floor.

King finally manages to hit marco. Marco falls to the ground with Queen.

Drake appears.

Kaido is bleeding a bit and laughs.

Big Mom tries to sneak Luffy with Cognac attack. Zoro sends a ranged slash almost mirroring Mihawk’s slash against Whitebeard at Marineford. The slash prevents Big Mom from hitting Luffy.

Luffy uses gear 2 to rush back toward Zoro.

Kid argues with Luffy.

Kaido rushes them. Killer protects Kid, and both Luffy and Killer are hit. Law tries to use his abilities, but Big Mom knows about them and stops him.

Big Mom remembers Kid destroyed her ships. Kid injured smoothies eye.

Big Mom attacks kid with the spear of elbaf. Kid uses metal and haki to protect him, but most of the metal is crushed.

Zoro cuts Kaido using tower climb and return.

Big Mom knows Zoro is the pirate hunter, she also knows Zoro trained with Mihawk.

Kaido uses thunder ba9ua on Zoro, Zoro blocks but is sent flying into rubble.

Zoro, Luffy, Kid, Killer and Law are all bleeding. Killer’s masked is cracked.

Kaido says he will kill them all, Big Mom tells them to come.

One Piece Chapter 1001 Spoilers will be verified once the raws are out

Source: Stairskun on Twitter

One Piece Chapter 1001 Spoilers are Not Verified Yet

One Piece Chapter 1001 Spoilers are Not Verified Yet

One Piece Chapter 1001 spoilers are not verified yet and we would advise our fans not to trust anything at this point. The spoilers are usually pinned on Reddit, Worstgen, Korean sources and other platforms once they are verified from the credible leakers.

But the main problem is that One Piece chapter 1000 has not been released officially till now and hence nothing can be trusted at this point. It seems that the One Piece Chapter 1001 spoilers are Schrödinger’s spoilers as they might be true or they might be fake, but we won’t know anything unless the raws are out.

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